New stove - dangit
On 10/15/2011 3:04 PM, Steve Pope wrote:
> No, this is not a given. You need to check the amperage of the stove,
> and the amperage of the circuit, and confirm that the circuit is
> sufficient. If the circuit is not sufficient, then you also need
> to confirm whether the service entrance is sufficient to support the
> necessary new circuit.
> Ideally you do this and price out any necessary electrical work before
> making an electric stove vs. gas stove purchase decision.
Yeah, that's why I was asking about the induction stove power
requirements and it seemed like it was a no brainer with this one that
doesn't have the induction stovetop.
> I would also double-check a few things about the circuit that's there,
> such as whether the wire gauge is sufficient to support the breaker
> size, whether there's a box at the kitchen end, whether anyone has
> done something dangerous like tapping off the circuit, or routing it
> to another area such as an outbuilding or garage. Sometimes people
> figure an unused 220V kitchen circuit is the ideal starting point
> for running power out to a second building on the property.
Well, now that I have to get an electrician, he'll check all that. Thanks.