New stove - dangit
On 10/16/2011 11:49 AM, Lou Decruss wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Oct 2011 13:54:25 -0700 (PDT), dsi1
> > wrote:
>> On Oct 16, 10:10 am, > wrote:
>>> On Oct 16, 1:09 pm, > wrote:
>>>> The fourth wire is the wire that your wiring uses for the 120V
>>>> appliances. It is used in conjunction with one of the 120V lines to
>>>> supply power for the control systems and the oven light.
>>> dsi is talking about the neutral wire.
>> When I was going to electronics school, the instructor used to call it
>> the return. Is the term "return" ever used by electricians? Thanks.
> I've never heard it used. It handles the balance of the load between
> phases. Return doesn't make much sense as AC current isn't
> directional. I guess if you're sharing a neutral between phases I can
> see how he/she used the term. If you put an amprobe on a perfectly
> balanced panel the incoming neutral will read zero. The same will
> happen out in the field. It's damn near impossible to have that
> situation in the real world.
My guess is that the return path is mostly a power generation term. I
haven't seen the word used in household wiring either. I was looking for
one of those hot wire probes that used your body to light up the neon
indicator. They don't seem to sell them anymore. Dangit!
> In the case of Cheryl's stove if the timer is running and the light is
> on the ground wire should read zero when amprobed. If there is a load
> on the ground it's not wired right and he cheated. It's not my
> concern but I'm puzzled how the extra wire appeared between the wall
> and the stove.
> Lou