British man eats roadkill for thirty years
On Tue, 18 Oct 2011 19:15:21 -0400, Jim Elbrecht >
>Critters must taste different on that side of the pond. I haven't
>eaten roadkill-- but certainly would if I was hungry.
My husband used to have a boss who hunted. One day, my husband
brought home some delicious venison summer sausage from his boss. Then
he started telling me a story about a time his boss saw a car hit a
deer and drive away. His boss stopped, saw the deer was dead, and
called the game warden for a tag for the deer. I asked, was it this
deer? My husband wasn't sure!
>Frog legs *do* remind me of chicken-- but I'd hate to have to rely on
>cars hitting enough of them [and the legs surviving] to make a meal.
I used to love frog legs when I was little. I even thought they were
fancy. Now, I don't think I could eat them. They were tasty,
though -- mild and sweet.
>Roadkill cafes in Australia? I'd have to try it.
Maybe once just for bragging rights!
I like deer and elk. I love quail. My uncle gave me some
delicious wild boar jerky. I don't think I have had squirrel,
unless it was in Brunswick stew.