Janet > wrote:
>In article >,
>> On Tue, 18 Oct 2011 16:39:33 -0400, Tara >
>> wrote:
>> >http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandsty...i-eat-roadkill
>> >
>> >It beats wasting it!
>> Critters must taste different on that side of the pond.
> Pheasant and venison are luxury foods here. Both delicious and expensive
>if you have to pay for them.
Same here. I've never bought either though-- and I haven't seen a
pheasant in years, come to think of it.
>Pheasants and deer frequently get killed by a
>head-hit on narrow rural roads here, but the corpses don't stay on the
>verge long before someone takes them home.
Birds get swept to the side-- Deer get picked up mostly by road crews.
If they are fresh and undamaged enough, they go to county facilities
where I live.
> We always stop to check a dead pheasant on the roadside and if it's fresh
>and not squashed we eat it :-)
Is that often? [that they are edible?] When I think of the
damage a couple birdshot pellets do to meat, it just seems like most
would have badly bruised meat that wouldn't interest me at all.
On a deer there is still a lot of good meat-- but small critters don't
have that much to start with.