Michel Boucher wrote:
>>>>> decide to lash out. You've been here long enough to know the
>>>>> one rule, the one about not opening what you don't want to
>>>>> read.
>>>> If you don't write what the link is about, people CAN NOT know
>>>> if they want to read it or not, moron
>>> Then don't open it.
>> GFY
> You know the rule and yet you become abusive the instant someone
> points out this is an opportunity to use the knowledge you've
> accumulated here as a guide to behaviour. Is it Berlu's latest
> avoidance of his comeuppance that has you so testy, or are you just
> like that on Wednesdays?
I see you you can't undesrtand the absurdity of replying "don't open what
you don't want to read" after having posted without specifying what it was
about. Good job.