It's very nice work, thank you. I'm not sure anyone is maintaining
the FAQ anymore; I wrote a pH FAQ several years ago and submitted it
for inclusion but it never got done. Most people just Google to it,
it's posted here so it's no big deal. Thanks for your efforts.
(SteveH) wrote in message . com>...
> All,
> I hope this is useful for everyone. Please note that there are a
> number of broken links in the text. I believe I caught them all and
> marked them as such, but I have left them in the document for now so
> they can be replaced with new, working URLs if any exist.
> Please feel free to email me corrections to anything HTML-related:
> steveh(AT)
> Also, please note that I reformatted the document for my dad, who is
> just getting into this. In other words, I know nothing about
> winemaking, so I cannot evaluate any comments about the text itself.
> -Steve