Cooking with lees?
Now Tom that sounds like such a good idea.
Why did we in UK ever contribute to CJD, scrappie, mad cow disease, by
feeding animals semi processed dead animal offal. I can see a simple (
perhaps overly simple ) reasoning in feeding cattle with wine lees
Is it in fact done in the heavy wine making areas? France, Italy --und so
weiter ( and so on ) It surely must be -- although I cannot say that I have
ever researched the subject! I expect that it is used as a very substantial
"manure" --- but the thought of feeding it to cattle seems so sensible. A
natural product that is already partially digested!
I am sure that some erudite farmer will tell me why I am wrong. But it has
got to be better than processed cows hasn't it!
Trevor A Panther
In South Yorkshire, England
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"Tom S" > wrote in message
> "Jack Keller" > wrote in message
> om...
> > As for other uses for lees, I dump them on my wife's roses and they
> > seem to love them. I used to worry about the residual alcohol doing
> > harm to the roses, but there has never been any substantive basis for
> > that early anxiety. The roses really thrive on the lees.
> My sister lives on a dairy farm. The cows are fed grain, hay, silage
> greens that are ML fermented like sauerkraut) and lees from the Anchor
> Brewery! Talk about contented cows... :^)
> Tom S