First kit has stopped fermenting
This group has been a great wealth of knowledge and help so far for
me, and I turn to it again for some advice.
My first kit, a peach wine, has stopped fermenting and my SG is still
at 1.045. I've written in here about this kit before, as I screwed up
initially and started primary fermentation in a 6G carboy instead of
the standard plastic bucket. It was slow to start because my
temperature is a bit low (15-18C), but with all your help I got the
fermentation going and watched my SG drop from 1.090 to 1.045.
Yesterday however, CO2 production was very very slow (the air lock
would "bubble" maybe once per 5 minutes). I don't have any bubbles on
top of my wine anymore, and my SG has remained constant for two days
In an email, someone here mentioned it is possible to restart
fermentation, but at this point I'm asking myself if it is even worth
it. If I restart fermentation is it just going to stop again? Should
I rack the wine into a proper fermenter or leave it in the carboy?
Should I toss it down the drain and consider it a $45 lesson learned,
or is it still really easy to save this wine?
Thanks in advance,
BTW -- I've since started a Pinot Noir kit, and it is going
fantastically and is not giving me any grief.