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Default Ironic isn't it?...Wineries and juice concentrate


I agree that it's ironic and I feel that on one level it's a shame too.

While one part of me wants to make the best wine possible, another
part of me feels that over orchestrating the outcome by technology robs
the wine of some of its romance & mystique. I would hate for every wine,
weather commercial or my own, to be a uniform product and no more unique
an experience than a bottle of catsup. The variations among handcrafted
items has always appealed to me. Understand, though, that this opinion
comes from a lowly amateur who doesn't have to make his living on the
public's acceptance of his output. I guess it has to do with the
motivation behind the process, and whether one perceives the history of
the wine as part of its attraction. Really, what they're doing is not
very different from various Icewine or Reccioto(?) techniques, but those
somehow seem more "harmonious" or "elegant" to me.

BTW, Most, if not almost all kit wine concentrators use considerable
heat in the process, and this results in the formation of
hydroxymethylfurfural, which gives the wines a caramel like taste that
many people find common to kit wines. The processes you describe
wouldn't have that drawback, as HMF only forms at temps over 50°C.

Thanks for the post.

Mike MTM