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Default Ironic isn't it?...Wineries and juice concentrate

Dave > wrote in message >. ..
>> By the way, for those who haven't tried this yet here is a great

> experiment.
> Go to a local restaurant with a good "by the glass" wine list. $7 to
> $10 a glass. Tell the bartender to pour 4 glasses. 3 different
> varitals, but duplicate one of them. So here you sit with 4 glasses of
> wine. Try to find the 2 that are the same. It is REALLY hard because
> they ALL taste the same.
> What a shame.

No way. You set (for example) a good Pinot Noir, a good Cabernet and a
good Syrah in front of me and I will be able to find the two that
match. I'll even be able to tell you which is which (most of the time

There is a lot of indistinct wine out there and a lot of those end up
in your local restaurant for BtG pours, but the good wines keep their
varietal characteristics even if reverse osmosis is used.
