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Don S
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Default First kit has stopped fermenting

> In an email, someone here mentioned it is possible to restart
> fermentation, but at this point I'm asking myself if it is even worth
> it. If I restart fermentation is it just going to stop again? Should
> I rack the wine into a proper fermenter or leave it in the carboy?
> Should I toss it down the drain and consider it a $45 lesson learned,
> or is it still really easy to save this wine?

You should be able to restart your fermentation. You never
mentioned what type of yeast you used but there are more
aggressive ones out there such as EC-1118. You shoulud add
some yeast nutrient, bring the temperature of the must up
to 68 F or more and add the EC-1118 after creating a starter.
Check the best before date on the yeast when you buy it.
Lalvin's has it stamped on the top ridge.

A yeast starter can be made by boiling some water and using
it to sterilze a small jar and then filling it with about
1/2 cup of water. When the temp of that water gets down to
about 104 F or slightly warm to the touch add the yeast.
Wait about 10 minutes and add it to warm must.

Do a Google Groups search on "stuck fermentation", "yeast
nutrient" for more info. Also check these pages:

There's info on stuck fermentations there as well as yeast
rehydration and EC-1118.
