Pennyaline wrote:
>> Wait... just how many times *has* someone asked? I only saw you ask once,
>> and since my reply to that, I've seen nothing but angry lashing-out.
> I asked once, today. The response was that it's a secret, one needs to
> know the secret handshake, and riff-raff is not welcome. When one gets the
> express message that the undesirables are to be kept out, period, with no
> further communication offered, that means that one is one of the
> undesirables. Why am I considered as such? I don't know.
Sorry if you got that impression. I just couldn't think of a way to get
*you* the information without giving *everybody* the information[1]. That's
why I mentioned e-mail.
>> When I made reference to it just a couple days ago, one of the
>> moderators...
> One of the moderators? There are moderators here? When did that happen?
Not here. One of the moderators of the Facebook group. At any rate, now that
Sqwertz has spilled the [ObFood]beans, I expect to see you there soon!
[1] More accurately, I couldn't think of a way which didn't involve