Families eating together?
jmcquown wrote:
> "gloria.p" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 10/27/2011 2:11 PM, merryb wrote:
>>> When I was a kid, we always had dinner as a family, and I still
>>> think it's important- my dad insisted on dinner at 6:30! I recently
>>> heard that most families do not eat dinner together, and I find
>>> that rather sad. I do understand that with conflicting schedules
>>> that is not an option, but if it's possible, it's a good time to
>>> catch up on the day. How about you- is it important to you to dine
>>> as a family?
>> Most families with kids are so over-scheduled, that sports, lessons,
>> religious ed, practices and games cut into dinner times. Often these
>> people exist on drive-through fast food not because they can't cook
>> but because they are caught up between delivering 2-3 kids to
>> scheduled activities.
>> gloria p
> I don't get all this scheduled activity stuff. I'm not a parent but
> I was a kid. I would have hated "scheduled" activities. My
> activities involved playing outside with other kids in the
> neighborhood until it got dark. We made our own fun. We rode bikes.
> We skated. We played games like tag or hide and seek or swing the
> statue. Why on earth do kids have to have all these schedules? Can't kids
> just be kids anymore?
I had all sorts of activities as a child. Dance, choir, violin, scouts,
drama, bowling, tennis, pep club, candle club...