Families eating together?
On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 09:30:32 -0400, "jmcquown" >
> don't get all this scheduled activity stuff. I'm not a parent but I was a
> kid. I would have hated "scheduled" activities. My activities involved
> playing outside with other kids in the neighborhood until it got dark. We
> made our own fun. We rode bikes. We skated. We played games like tag or
> hide and seek or swing the statue. Why on earth do kids have to have all
> these schedules? Can't kids just be kids anymore?
Because there are often no other kids their age in the neighborhood
and parents have been scared to death with all the kidnappings on the
news. They don't let their children play on the sidewalk for the same
reasons others (and we have plenty of them here) buy guns.
All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.