On 10/28/2011 10:49 AM, Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Oct 2011 09:46:57 -0700, > wrote:
>> Yes, "RFC on Facebook" works. Sorry about the post to Becca, when I
>> actually tried it - it took me to the rfc unofficial website. Didn't
>> realize FB did that.
> When I start to put it in the search bar on FB, the group is the first
> thing that pops up. Don't even have to get beyond RFC...
I'm neither stupid nor inept. When I enter RFC on Facebook in the search
bar, here is what I get:
> Did you mean:icon pacebook
> Icon Pacebook
> Web Results
> Lawsuit Summary - Easyweb Innovations, LLC v. Facebook, Inc.
> Date Filed: 10/20/2011; Plaintiff: Easyweb Innovations, LLC; Defendant: Facebook, Inc.; Cause: 35:271 Patent Infringement
> http://www.rfcexpress.com/.../83878/...ok-inc/summary
> Usk RFC • News - Usk Rugby Football Club
> Usk RFC facebook Page Usk RFC has started it's official Facebook page please join for all updates, look up "Usk RFC". Usk Vs Abergavenny 22nd January 2011
> www.uskrfc.co.uk/Home.aspx
> RFC 5514 - IETF Tools
> tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5514
> See More Results
The "more results" takes me to Bing and page after page of everything it
can find that has "RFC" and "Facebook" in its name... except
rec.food.cooking's FB page.
When I type "RFC," "RFC o," "RFC on," "RFC on Facebook" or "RFC on
FaceBook" into the search bar, nothing happens automatically. I've got
to tell it to start the search.
The results are the same no matter how I spell it, capitalize it, change
word order or otherwise break it down. Those are the results I get.