On 10/28/2011 12:58 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> That is pretty easy to explain. In response to my post about the passing
> of Blake you whined that you were not informed.
No, I didn't. Read it again, for comprehension this time. Also, I didn't
*whine* about anything.
> You were informed in a
> public message in the RFC group, so you go the same notification that
> most everyone else got.
Understood. Understood it then, too.
> You whined that you were not notified on FB, but
> you were not a FB friend of Blake's, nor had you signed on to the RFC FB
> group.
Nope. I didn't *whine* about not being notified on Facebook, either.
Read it again, for comprehension this time.
> Then you whined that you can't find the R.F.C. On FaceBook group,
> but many others were able to do it. Several people told you how and you
> continued to whine.
Nope. Didn't *whine* about not being able to find it, but was getting
irritated by the evasion and secrecy, then infuriated by some group
members' offers of only insults instead of real assistance. It is
immaterial that others were able to find it readily. After all of the
explorations and diagnostics, it didn't (and still doesn't) come up for
me using the Facebook search. That is the point. Insulting me gets us
nowhere. Being up to date on the status of the conversation, however,
would allow other n.g. members to contribute to this part of this thread
somewhat more constructively. For instance, if you had been up to date,
you would have seen by now that others have had the same trouble.
> You have continued to whine about secrets being kept from you. Unfounded
> thoughts of persecution are a sign of paranoia. We are doing you a
> favour by mocking you. That lifts your suspicions from paranoid feelings
> of persecution to a more realistic perception that people really are
> making fun of you.
What are your qualifications, Doctor? Did you really diagnose me through
newsgroup posts? You're a card, you are!
And were you really making fun of me, with by exercising frequent
reiterations of how unbalanced I am "lift my suspicions... to a more
realistic perception" because the search wasn't turning up the group?
Really? Well, what does that say about you? What a prince!
<face it, prince, you started this off badly right at the beginning...
learn to put a coherent sentence together>