Becca and I met up with Janet Wilder and her husband this afternoon for
lunch. We went to Shane's Seafood and BBQ
Too bad it isn't crawfish season because Shane's is one of the best
places in Shreveport for that.
We also got to meet Janet's dog Micky and the infamous kitten... Yogi.
FWIW... that kitten is really cute and I was wondering if I was going to
have trouble getting him away from Becca. For those doubting Thomases
out there, this is a tiny kitten, very alert, friendly and playful.
Whomever adopts Yogi is going to get a fine cat.
It is a shame we couldn't spend more time with them... but tomorrow we
are off on a cruise and this afternoon we had to go to the library and
then start packing. We'll visit with them again next Spring when we go
down to their part of Way South Texas.
Nice people... nice lunch.
George L