John Kuthe...
On 10/30/2011 5:23 AM, John Kuthe wrote:
> On Oct 29, 10:11 pm, > wrote:
>> Many nurses don't want to be in a position where they are some
>> doctor's bitch. A friend of mine started out working for the VNA, then
>> became a public health nurse. For years now, she has been working with
>> pregnant women -- what to expect, infant and child care, etc. Never
>> has she worked for a doctor.
> These days a nurse should never be a "doctor's bitch". Nursing today
> is a profession unto itself, where MDs, RNs, CNAs, CMTs, dietary,
> therapy, etc. all form integral parts of the health care team. The MD
> is the captain of the ship, but the *patient* steers it and is the
> ultimate "boss".
People still think that nurses work for doctors. How sad. We don't stand
around waiting to be told what to do, you know. Unless nurses are
employed specifically by a private physician's practice, nurses don't
work for doctors.