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BillyZoom BillyZoom is offline
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Posts: 768
Default Nursing Positions

On Oct 29, 10:04*pm, Pennyaline >
> BillyZoom quoted:
> > You're a dumbass. Do you work in Healthcare or do you just watch Faux
> > News? For organizations that have their shit together, healthcare has
> > never been better. I work in Healthcare and next year's bonus will be
> > the largest I've ever had. And I'm not even remotely involved in
> > patient care.

> Like I told you, I've worked in long term care for decades, other facets
> of nursing too. Healthcare is in deep, deep shit. If your perception is
> that healthcare is in good shape and that YOUR bonus next year will be
> the biggest ever, you are in healthcare administration. There is a huge
> difference between your job and ours.
> But kudos to you for calling a BSN a dumbass (you were recruiting me a
> few posts back). Keep up the alienation!!

I think I've made it pretty clear I'm in IT. Nobody reports to me. I'm
also not a recruiter. I don't give a shit who works here. And I was
recruiting you because I knew you were talking out of your ass and
would back down in a second. Of course, if you had taken me up, I
could have given you an inside line to the right people. I have yet to
hear from one person who is so "desperate" that they would contact me
for a sure BSN job. Wow. What a tough market. I feel so sorry for you.

Now, Healthcare. Yes, Healthcare IS in deep, deep shit. It needs to be
fixed and I don't really know what that fix looks like. But if you
think it involves loss of profits, you're kidding yourself.

As for my Bonus. You're not going to believe this, but it's 100% true.
If you have old coworkers in the area they can verify. EVERY employee
gets this bonus (called "gainsharing" because we are a non-profit).
EVERY employee gets the same amount. The amount is significant but not

You're a bitter old hag who would rather complain than do something
positive. Don't poison other peoples' dreams just because your
personality didn't allow you to get ahead.