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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Green Potatoes, what to do?

"phaeton" > wrote in message
>I was making my famous beef stew. When it came time to peel and chop
> the potatoes to put into the pot, it turned out that they were green.
> I considered the following options:
> 1) Finish simmering, cool it down, refrigerate, then purchase
> additional potatoes tomorrow to simmer in the pot with them.
> 2) Reduce the stew a little, and pair it up with a bed of brown rice.
> 3) Add whole wheat pasta (on hand) to round it out.
> I went with #3, boiling the pasta separately and adding it to the
> stew. It took a whole 14oz box of whole wheat rotini to create the
> desired consistency.
> This was the right choice.
> OB Food is served.

Or you could cut off the green part.