People have done this for years. Use standard canning techniques. You will
need to strain, and filter the juice to get rid of solids. Cook it to kill
anything in it. And you will need to use true sterilization rather than
sanitation used in wine making. But search the web for canning juice.
"Colonel Blip" > wrote in message
> This may seem a bit "off the wall" but I am researching if it is possible
> essentially prevent fermentation in freshly squeezed grapes; just the
> opposite of what is desired in making wine. I realize that in the time it
> takes to squeeze the grapes and collect and bottle (if one chose those
> in order quickly) would still result in fermentation beginning, but if one
> wished to stop the fermentation at that stage would it be possible and
> Thanks.
> --
> Colonel Blip
> Remove "nospam" when replying.
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