but after that it will not taste the same as "fresh" grape juice -- the
heat/pasteurisation is a huge part of why red wine kits never achieve the
same quality!
You finish up with that coked fruit taste!
Trevor A Panther
In South Yorkshire, England
Remove "SPAMLESS" from my address line to reply.
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"Ray" > wrote in message
> People have done this for years. Use standard canning techniques. You
> need to strain, and filter the juice to get rid of solids. Cook it to
> anything in it. And you will need to use true sterilization rather than
> sanitation used in wine making. But search the web for canning juice.
> Ray
> "Colonel Blip" > wrote in message
> ...
> > This may seem a bit "off the wall" but I am researching if it is
> to
> > essentially prevent fermentation in freshly squeezed grapes; just the
> > opposite of what is desired in making wine. I realize that in the time
> > takes to squeeze the grapes and collect and bottle (if one chose those
> steps
> > in order quickly) would still result in fermentation beginning, but if
> > wished to stop the fermentation at that stage would it be possible and
> how?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > --
> > Colonel Blip
> >
> > Remove "nospam" when replying.
> > __________________________________
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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