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MaryL[_2_] MaryL[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 901
Default Went to the Louisiana State Fair

"Sqwertz" wrote in message ...

On Thu, 27 Oct 2011 20:03:59 -0500, Janet Wilder wrote:

> Nothing wrong with free pens. I haven't bought a pen in years.

I have to use a pen once every 2 weeks for something in particular.
But that is all I use pens for anymore. And they have to of certain
kind (UniBall) fopr them to be of any use to me (and my writing

It's hurts to use a pen anymore. My hand just doesn't work that way


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Same here. I have arthritis in my hands, and it is painful to write
(although the best pens for me are UniBall with rubberized gripping
surface). Fortunately, my fingers are actually very flexible for the type
of movement required for typing on a computer, and I type very fast. On the
other hand, the old-fashioned typewriters are impossible--just too painful.

I never bother with the freebie pens that seem to be given at every event.
I much prefer items like recipes, rulers, note pads, etc.
