On Nov 1, 12:11*am, Tommy Joe > wrote:
> On Oct 31, 11:25*am, spamtrap1888 > wrote:
> > On Oct 31, 1:36*am, atec77 > wrote:
> > > On 31/10/2011 5:07 PM, Tommy Joe wrote:
> > > > * * * Man, I thought
> > > * nah you didn't
> > > >* this thread was going to be about tits.
> > > * why the fixation about small flying creatures
> > Here's a picture of a pair of great tits:
> >http://www.paintinghere.com/UploadPi...urn/big/Great%...
> * * *You know how some people don't know they're *** till they're like
> 50 or something? *Same thing with me just now when I clicked on your
> link and expected to see a large pair of human female tits and instead
> saw two titburn birds, or whatever they're called. *As I stared at the
> wondrous creature I felt a stirring in my bowels and looked down, and
> lo and behold I had an erection. *I never knew I was a bird lover till
> now. *And I never would have known were it not for you. *Thank you,
> thank you very much.
You'd be amazed how many pages of images I had to go through to find a
pair of Parus maior.
When I tried to turn the adult filter on, nothing showed up.