Nursing Positions
On Nov 1, 5:42*am, Krypsis > wrote:
On 1/11/2011 6:11 PM, Tommy Joe wrote:
> > * * * You know how some people don't know they're *** till they're like
> > 50 or something? *Same thing with me just now when I clicked on your
> > link and expected to see a large pair of human female tits and instead
> > saw two titburn birds, or whatever they're called. *As I stared at the
> > wondrous creature I felt a stirring in my bowels and looked down, and
> > lo and behold I had an erection. *I never knew I was a bird lover till
> > now. *And I never would have known were it not for you. *Thank you,
> > thank you very much.
> I'm pretty sure that I didn't need to know that!
I exaggerated it for entertainment effect. I didn't really get
an erection looking at the birds, I just said that to shock people. I
did feel a slight stirring in the groin area though. It was sort of a
cross between sexual yearning and the desire to eat. That's what I
felt when I looked at the birds. I wonder, if the world were ever
reduced to only humans and no other animals, and if we resorted to
cannibalism to stay alive - I wonder if at that point one human might
look at another and see not a living thing but a slab of meat that
makes them drool the way a cat drools looking a bird through the