Brooklyn1 <Gravesend1> wrote:
>On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 16:10:58 -0800, sf > wrote:
>>I've never heard of that, so I looked it up and apparently we also
>>call it "sablefish"... never had that either. How do you fix that
>Sablefish is best smoked, it's also pricey.
I have that one down. He
1.5 lbs black cod
2 cups water
1/6 cup salt
1/6 cup raw brown sugar
< 1/2 t cardamom
< 1 t nutmeg
< 1 t allspice
small amount white pepper
brine for 6 hours in refrigerator, rinse, cure for
12 hours in refrigerator
cold smoke until done (3 hours is best, 2 hours is acceptable)
Note in the above "rinse" means rinse under running water for
a solid five minutes.