More persimmons
On 11/7/2011 10:52 AM, gloria.p wrote:
> On 11/4/2011 6:07 AM, George Shirley wrote:
>> The Japanese persimmons on the counter are ripening slowly. Yesterday I
>> froze 3.5 cups of pulp and we ate another cup as dessert. Still about
>> forty simmons slowly ripening on the counter.
> I know you make some kind of bread with them. but can you make jam with
> them?
> gloria p
Yes, several decent persimmon jam recipes online. We also make persimmon
pie, similar to pumpking, cookies, cookie bars, cakes, etc. Lots of uses
for persimmons.
Just noticed a neighbor a couple of blocks away has a Hachiya tree in
his side yard that is dropping fruit heavily. Evidently they don't use
them. We have enough already or I would ring his doorbell. It's amazing
how readily total strangers will give up fruit that they won't or don't
eat but think the tree is pretty.
An old friend here who died several years ago had planted a Grannie
Smith and an Ein Shimer (Israeli developed) apple trees in his backyard
about ten or twelve years ago. Some folks bought his house. I went by to
ask if they used the apples and they told me they cut the two trees down
as they littered their lawn. Weird! I can't imagine anyone who would buy
a house with fruit trees and then cut them down because they interfered
with their mowing.
One of the things we look for where we intend to move is homes with
fruit trees or existing gardens, those are pluses for us, not negatives.
I'm beginning to think we've become outdated.