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Doug Freyburger Doug Freyburger is offline
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Default Your Favorite Way To Prepare Fish & What Kind?

Judy Haffner wrote:
> For those of you in here that like fish, how do you like to prepare it?

I like most types of fish, but my favorites are the invertibrate types.
I like vertibrate fish raw, grilled, steamed, you name it.

> What kind of fish do you prefer buying and cooking, or maybe you are a
> fisherman and go out and catch your own?

But my favorite fish recipe goes like this -

Fish swims around. Fish dies. Fish settles to the bottom. A crab or
lobster finds the fish and eats it. The crab or lobster grows to market
size. The crab or lobster gets stuck in a trap. It goes to the market.
I get it and eat it.

It's a higher and better use for that fish in my very biased opinion.
Human eating fish - Good. Lobster eating fish, human eating lobster -