Your Favorite Way To Prepare Fish & What Kind?
On Nov 8, 9:54*am, sf > wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Nov 2011 03:41:59 -0800 (PST), John Kuthe
> > wrote:
> > You just have a knee-jerk negative reaction to mayo, Bryan.
> A Japanese friend I use to have did an even simpler fish/mayo version.
> One piece of salmon (steak or fillet) per person. *Spread a thick
> layer of mayonnaise over the top of each. *Bake until done. *The
> mayonnaise puffs and browns while the fish cooks and oddly enough
> doesn't taste like mayo when you eat it.
Bryan would taste it, and spit it out just as fast I'll bet. Like I
said he has a knee jerk revulsion reaction to mayo.
John Kuthe...