Frozen turkey prices this year?
On Nov 10, 3:38*pm, Sky > wrote:
> On 11/10/2011 1:44 PM, zxcvbob wrote:
> > I haven't seen any less than 99¢ per pound, but I really haven't looked
> > much yet. What about you? I have a big one in the freezer that I bought
> > a year ago, but I'll probably need to cook two...
> In a recent sales circular either from yesterday or this past Sunday, I
> noticed (whole) turkey breast on sale for $1.39/lb. *It's not an entire
> turkey, but then again, when it comes to feeding cooking for two people
> only, a whole turkey would be way too much for Spouse and me. *Besides,
> both of us prefer the white meat anywho.
> Sky
Kroger, here, used to frequently have frozen turkey breasts in stock.
They were about the size of football and 99¢ a pound but I haven't
seen any, or seen them advertised for about 2 years. Maybe because
I'm not looking but they are perfect for 2-4 and especially if you
prefer white meat, which I do.