Newbie things that make you go hmmmmmm.....?
Fermentation, and winemaking in general, does not follow a strict timetable
regardless of the instructions they include in the kits. One batch will
ferment out in 4 days and another will take 4 weeks. It does not always
seem to make since. But the important thing is that it is progressing. If
you have it in a primary bucket, I would go ahead and rack to secondary and
put a lock on it. Just be sure to leave lots of head space incase it takes
off real strong. At this stage, head space it no problem.
If it is already in a primary under a lock, I would let it go on down to
1.010 or 1.020 and then rack it.
It is obvious that you are using a hydrometer. The hydrometer is your
friend. Trust it more than the instructions.
"Kevin" > wrote in message
> Brew King Vintner's Reserve Reisling. Pitched yeast, OG of 84
> Ferment temp was a steady 68 deg. F. Exactly one week later, almost
> to the minute, the gravity was about 30. The instructions said that
> gravity should be about 10 or less by now. I put the carboy on my
> workbench and put a space heater underneath and have raised the temp
> to about 74 F over the last 24 hrs. I get foam that comes and goes.
> At one moment there's some foam, later the top is covered in foam,
> then there's no foam. It tastes good, similar to a vodka sour. The
> must is very opaque.
> Can I assume that my lack of attenuation was/is due to the ferment
> temp of 68 deg? It said I should keep it around 68-75. It's still
> bubbling away, hopefully still fermenting and not stuck/offgassing.
> Is it supposed to be very opaque? Instructions say to rack after it
> reaches 10 or less. Should I rack anyway or leave it until it's more
> attenuated? It looks like grapefruit juice but tastes pretty darn ok.
> As this is my first batch I have no benchmarks and need veteran
> experience.
> Thanks,
> Kevin