Sulfite allergy
Bob - What makes you think you are allergic to sulfites? I ask because
there are so many foods that contain sulfites you will really have to be
careful what you eat. Also, sulfite allergy is mentioned as a problem with
some people who have headache trouble with wine when the problem is not
sulfites but histamines and other wine constituents.
You can make wine without sulfite. Just don't expect it to last for years.
If you mean what can a person use to sanitize equipment in lieu of sulfites
you can use chlorine. It must be rinsed several times to remove all traces
or your wine taste will suffer. Iodophor is a good alternative as a
sanitizer and there are other. But cleaning well after and before use is
just as good IMO for winemaking.
Bill Frazier
Olathe, Kansas
> wrote in message
> I have become allergic to sulfites. Ugh!! Any suggestions about
> making wine without using sulfites? Using chlorine, for example.
> Bob G.