Question recently about soup in Asian countries
sf wrote:
>> I've yet to meet an Indian who wasn't a vegetarian.
> I'll second that... but there must be a few Islamic and Christian
> Indians hiding somewhere.
Wikipedia says, "Contrary to popular belief, India is not a predominantly
vegetarian country"
India has lots of different religions, and only one of them (Buddhism) is
supposed to be vegetarian. The Indian religious demographics a
Hindus 80.5%
Muslims 13.4%
Christians 2.3%
Sikhs 1.9%
Buddhists 0.8%
Jains 0.4%
Bahá'ís 0.18%
Hindus are not allowed to eat beef, and Wikipedia states, "Most also avoid
the meat of water buffalo and yak as being too cow-like as well as pork,
crabs, reptiles, amphibians, and snails." So that leaves poultry, goat,
lamb, shellfish, fish (including eels), and more exotic meats like elephant.
Muslims are not allowed to eat pork (and SUPPOSEDLY not allowed to eat
shellfish, but I've seen that one broken frequently, so I guess it depends
on exactly where you live).
Of course, just because your religion ALLOWS you to eat meat doesn't mean
that you DO eat meat. The vegetarians might just be frugal.