Turkey on America's Test Kitchen
On Nov 12, 7:53*pm, Sqwertz > wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Nov 2011 17:14:35 -0800 (PST), ItsJoanNotJoann wrote:
> > I've seen this before, not the ATK version, of roasting a turkey
> > breast down and then flipping to brown. *I just don't know if I'd want
> > to wrestle with a hot turkey turning it over.
> > Can you not try this with perhaps a large chicken for your first run?
> Every year, like clockwork, I launch into a crusade explaining the
> virtues of roasting turkeys breast side down for the bestest most
> moistest turkey ever.
> And each year, like clockwork, I get a bunch of sadass excuses like,.
> "It's too hard to flip" (who said anything about flipping?), *"It
> looks ugly", "I just don't want to do it", "whine, moan, bith,
> cry...".
> So this year I'm going to make that half-hearted rant. *But in 10
> years, when everybody is roasting their turkeys breast side down, I
> WILL be back. *And you know what I'm going to say? *The same hting I
> did when everybody told me I was crazy for killfiling Google groups.
> This does no mean I won't be back in a couple weeks for my annual
> "Friends don't give friends Fruitcake" rant.
> -sw
Ok, ok. Don't get your nesting box straw all torn up. I've not done
it and it does sound a bit 'dangerous.' I'm eager, truly, to read how
you get the bird on it's back without suffering a burn or the hair
raising possibility of it ending up on the kitchen floor. So please
explain as I *would* like to know.