Turkey on America's Test Kitchen
In article
ItsJoanNotJoann > wrote:
> On Nov 12, 4:11*pm, "Kent" > wrote:
> >
> > The turkey is roasted oppositely from my usual way. The turkey goes into the
> > oven at 325F breast side down until the breast reaches 130F. Then the oven
> > temp. is raised to 450F; the turkey turned to breast side up and is finished
> > off to a thigh temp. of 175F.
> >
> >
> > I'm going to roast a rehearsal turkey tomorrow and I'm going to try this.
> >
> > Happy Thanksgiving,
> >
> > Kent
> >
> >
> I've seen this before, not the ATK version, of roasting a turkey
> breast down and then flipping to brown. I just don't know if I'd want
> to wrestle with a hot turkey turning it over.
Been doing it that way for years. Works very well, and seems to keep the
breast from drying out so much. Just grab the bird at each end, with a
towel or a wad of paper towels in each hand. Or do what I do, and stick
a big carving fork in the neck hole and another in the, um, other hole,
and just roll it over.