I had read that link and in my particular case it seems to be perhaps
something in the metabolites from the red wine. One glass OK, but two or
three and the next day will get the migraine. Whites don't do that. I've
never been a big wine drinker even though my family always made wine. I
have made my share as well but didn't drink much of it. It's only been in
recent years that I have really made some definite associations with the
reds and whites. I am planning to make some wine again and it will be
mostly white from here on.
"Greg Cook" > wrote in message
> On 2/4/04 8:52 PM, in article , "kklein"
> > wrote:
> > I'm reading this thread and am wondering if someone knows why reds will
> > initiate a migraine and whites don't bother me.
> > > wrote in message
> > ...
> >> I have become allergic to sulfites. Ugh!! Any suggestions about
> >> making wine without using sulfites? Using chlorine, for example.
> >> Bob G.
> >
> >
> It is not very well understood - some blame the tannins in red wine. Red
> wines also have up to 200% more histamines than white wines and this may
> cause allergic reactions inducing headaches. There are many components of
> wine and it is difficult to blame any one of them.
> Here's an interesting web page about red wine headaches for more
> information:
> http://www.beekmanwine.com/prevtopbd.htm
> --
> Greg Cook
> http://homepage.mac.com/gregcook/Wine
> (remove spamblocker from my email)