OT Candy at the door
"Dimitri" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Dimitri" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Over the weekend the doorbell rang. A girl 'bout 13 or 14 asked if I
>>> wanted some candy. I asked what was the cause - she answered so I can go
>>> bowling. I asked if she was part of a group or church, she acted a
>>> little confused and repeated so I can go bowling. To no avail I tried to
>>> explain a little about asking people for money. Finally I gave her the
>>> $2.00 and explained I did not need any candy. As she walked away her
>>> mother came up to castigate me and explain she was autistic. How the
>>> hell was I supposed to know? I was just trying to be kind. Next time
>>> they can go to hell...
>> I never ever buy anything that is being sold at the door.
> Having been a past president of a PTO and responsible to raise large
> amounts of money. I try to support fund raising efforts wherever
> practical.
> This one threw me...
I have had too many people come to the door that are questionable. I don't
think they're around any more but for many years there were adults sending
kids out in this area to sell stale candy. It wasn't for any kind of
charity. The adults were taking all the money. I don't think the kids got
much of anything.