On 15/11/2011 7:28 PM, ImStillMags wrote:
> A fabulous article about being the "kid with the stinky lunch".
> http://eatocracy.cnn.com/2011/11/15/...ch/?hpt=hp_bn8
> I remember being laughed at for some of my brown bag lunches. I
> wasn't the foreign kid or the
> brown kid or the black kid in the class either.
> Did any of you take things to school for lunch that got you picked on
> or laughed at?
> I loved this article, especiall the part about the smart teacher who
> used a kids misery to teach
> the class about other culture's foods.
Some of my friends were envious of my school lunches. I had sandwiches
made withe home made bread and always had home made cookies or cake.