Speaking of school lunches
On Nov 16, 8:02*am, "news" > wrote:
> Ha! I had a smelly egg-salad sandwich in my lunch on the bus, and the bus
> driver yelled loudly so everyone could hear, that someone's mother should
> refrigerate the eggs overnight before making the salad. This was 6th or 7th
> grade, and who needs further embarrassment in middle school!
> I always attracted attention bringing in leftover Slovak food after Easter,
> but everyone wanted to try the kolbasi, horseradish, and bread!
Other "normal" lunch items can be smelly. At work I hated when people
would eat a banana at their desk, then toss it in a wastebasket. The
stench of the peel would cover a wide area. For some reason, the
residue of a McDonald's lunch always smelled like ass, too. I would
have to relocate both of these if I wanted to stay at my desk.