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George Leppla George Leppla is offline
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Default School Lunch.........another reason Congress is at 9 percentapproval.

On 11/16/2011 9:59 AM, Gary wrote:
> Another thing: So many ppl talk about how crappy school lunches were? I
> always liked them back in my day. For me, a school lunch was much better
> than any bag lunch that I took to school.
> PS - and "back in my day," (the 60's) the school lunches cost 35 cents, then
> rose up to 50 cents at one point. heheheh
> I also remember those little half-pint milk cartons only cost 2 cents each
> when I was in elementary school. I wonder what they charge now?

3 cents for milk in elementary school in the 50's.

Lunches were 25 cents through 1964, then they went to 35 cents and
people were outraged.

Even for my family who did not have a lot of money, school lunches were
a good deal.

George L