I make all of the Welch and some of the Dole juices for my kids..
They like them as social wines... They like all of the wines medium
sweet except the White (Niagra) with no other juice.. They like that
one dry.
I entered a Welch White Grape/Raspberry made semi-dry into a
competition as a "Rose-Other" and took second place, so they can make
decent wine.
As I understand it.... It is not really peachy, it has a nice flavor
but nobody yet has recognised it as a peach wine.
On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 00:51:03 GMT,
>Anyone made this wine? I just mixed up a batch and it's in the
>primary. Just wanted to see if anyone has made this one. How's it
>turn out? Is there a nice peach taste? How's it clear?