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Dave Allyn
Posts: n/a
Default Welches Whit Grape Peach

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 00:51:03 GMT, wrote:

>Anyone made this wine? I just mixed up a batch and it's in the
>primary. Just wanted to see if anyone has made this one. How's it
>turn out? Is there a nice peach taste? How's it clear?

I have one going right now. pitched yeast November 29th. According
to my reccords, I put One gallon of water, 3 lbs of sugar and 4 cans
of frozen concentrate in the primary (Mixed of course) Had a S.G of
s.g. was 1.040 before the sugar.

Racked from primary to secondary on December 15th (1.050)

Racked just the other day to get off the sediment (1.020)

Already have more sediment on the bottom. The wine seems to be
clearing okay, if you can keep it off the sediment. I was waiting for
more sediment to drop before I racked the other day, decided to screw
it, and the next day (after racking) alot more droped out. Still not
clear, but looks like it will take several rackings to acomplish that.

I'm useing kIv-1116 yeast. I understand it only goes to 12-14 &abv,
so I don't think my s.g. will come down much more.

Also, keep in mind my basement is around 50 degrees F right now. not
the best conditions, but all I have....

email: dallyn_spam at yahoo dot com
please respond in this NG so others
can share your wisdom as well!