Wine Anyone?
On 11/16/11 11:56 PM, news wrote:
> I've lately become a fan of Moscato, a slightly sparkling sweetish white
> Italian wine. Prosecco is good also, and is drier. People are getting
> tired of Pinot Grigio and Chardonnay.
We're big Moscato fans these days and I've picked up some nice Italian
imports to try and were I making a turkey dinner it would surely be
poured this year. Thanksgiving often finds us with sweet whites like a
Riesling or Liebfraumilch. Asti or Champagne have also been guests at
our TG tables.
I'm working Wed/Thur so family is getting together for a big Korean
dinner with invited guests on Saturday after TG. I think we'll break
into some Moscato in the afternoon as we sit around rolling yaki mondu.