OT Candy at the door
"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> On 15/11/2011 12:52 AM, Pico Rico wrote:
>> I pay a lot of taxes, and the politicians are in bed with the teachers
>> unions. Screw them.
> Maybe there will be a fund raiser for a mental health charity. You should
> contribute to that.
>> When they give up their ridiculous pension plans and
>> save their earnings for retirement like the rest of us do (or should),
>> then
>> they can talk. Schools are overfunded as it is.
> Don't have a clue what PTAs spend their funds on do you.
I can not speak to the PTA as they are for the public schools, I can
however speak to the PTO's (private school parent org.'s) Since the school
my kids went to operated at a loss we were able to not only air condition
the classrooms but buy supplies and furnish labor to improve the physical
facilities. In addition we were able to fund field trips deemed necessary.
In short we were the court of last resort when necessary to improve the
educational situation for the kids. Sometimes it was silly stuff like
collecting business 81/2 X 11 paper used on one side so the other side could
be used as "scratch" paper.