On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 19:57:24 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:
>sf wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 13:47:15 -0800, "Julie Bove"
>> > wrote:
>>> My husband can eat a big steak. 2 pound? I don't know. There is a
>>> restaurant called Cattleman's in CA where he likes to go. He likes
>>> to get the big steak there. Whatever it is. But he eats just that
>>> and not the sides. And he doesn't do it often. He is a big meat
>>> eater and doesn't really like much in the way of other foods.
>> The big one is 2 pounds.
>> http://www.beststeakinthewest.com/PD...DinnerMenu.pdf
>> I order the Pete's Special. We love Cattlemen's, but don't eat there
>> any more than once or twice a year. I'm glad there isn't one any
>> closer, so I can look forward to it. The aura of In-n-Out was killed
>> for me when one opened just a 10 minute drive away.
>I refused to eat there when we lived there. I did look at the menu. There
>was nothing really that my daughter or I would eat. She was 4 and under
>when we lived there. She didn't eat a lot at that point in time and she
>mainly ate vegetables, just like me.
>I refused to eat at In and Out as well. It looked to me (although I've
>since been told this was wrong) that they had only "big" food. I dislike
>eating at places that only serve large portions. Or only big meaty options.
That Cattleman's menu says their 2 pound steak is sirloin, about the
lousiest cut of beef for steak there is... sirloin is what's used for
chopped beef steak, also good for sloppy joe meat. Their menu looks
like the Olive Garden of steak joints. I will never fathom why
anyone goes out to eat steak, it's the easiest food to cook at home. I
just can't see spending $30 on a hunk of mystery beef at a resto
that's basically a grab bag, not when I can always find much better
and better priced perusing the stupidmarket meat case... I usually
don't freeze steaks but these twins looked too good to pass up and I
had already planned something else, they'll be eaten shortly: