I don't think you typically leave a Reisling on the lees
so you probably want to rack it off them in a week or two.
You fermented dry so there's no need for the sorbate as
long as there is no flavour or juice pack to add back in.
Caveat though, some hydrometers are inaccurate. Mine is
out by 0.004, if yours is out by 0.006 or more than your
wine is not dry. There should be some papers with it to
tell you the zero temperature. You could test it and
consider that and the temperature at which you tested
your wine to see if it really dry. It probably is so it's
not really necessary.
I don't think you need the sorbate, perhaps others will
chime in here with their opinions as well. It probably
won't hurt though so if you decide to use it, don't sweat
Rack it off the lees in a week or two, if need be, back to
the pail and then back to the carboy, top it up with
water (if it's only a small amount) or a similar wine
(prefered and a good excuse to buy a bottle) and then
let it sit in the carboy for anywhere up to a year. Yes
a year. Anything between 2 or 3 months and that time will
be a good bulk aging. Protect it from light and temperature
swings the same as you would the finished product.
If you go 6+ months you probably don't need to degass again.
After 2 or 3 months you probably should.
Add 1/4 tsp of potassium meta at bottling time and your done.
One more note, if for some reason it does ferment a bit more
in the bottle because you didn't use sorbate you will have
a gassy wine. Not a great big deal, stir before serving.
Go to Google, click on Groups and then Advanced Search.
Enter rec.crafts.winemaking in the group and sorbate in the
subject. You'll have alot of opinions. Try bulk aging as
well. Don't believe the first one you read, read quite a
few. Honestly, if you go in there you'll be amazed at how
much information there is. I still am.
Good choice on the kit, my wife bought me an RJ Reisling and
I wished she had bought me that one instead. There's something
about a good Reisling that's really offbeat, it's like licking
a rock
> Don: Thank you for your replys. Here's a synoposis of my activity to
> date:
> Fermented in a 6.5 gal carboy for 2 weeks due to lower initial temps.
> Racked to 7 gal bucket for about 3-4 days, gravity about .996.
> Racked to 5 gal carboy, added SO2, isinglass, degassed.
> One day later (today), cleared up very nicely, layer of "dusty" yeast
> on bottom and sides near bottom.
> Issues:
> My dealer threw up big red flags about the omission of the sorbate
> How long to leave in carboy? He says 3-4 weeks then bottle.
> Questions:
> Can I leave on lees longer, say, 2-3 months w/o further messing?
> Should I rack after 3-4 weeks then bulk age up to 3 months?
> Should I follow my dealer's advice?
> It's a Brew King Reisling.
> Thanks,
> Kevin