Thread: Derby Day Pie
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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default Derby Day Pie

On Nov 20, 10:43*am, sf > wrote:
> Has anyone made this? *I'm thinking about adding chocolate chips to a
> pecan pie (Karo label recipe) recipe similar to this
> so that my DIL can at least eat the filling (gluten issues). *Will the
> chocolate distribute throughout the filling if I use chocolate chips
> or will it stay at the bottom? *Maybe I should use cocoa powder. *I'd
> rather not have to heat the filling as per the recipe instructions and
> treat it like a regular pecan pie if I can possibly get away with it.

The chocolate chips melt and mix into the filling. Don't use cocoa
powder. And you know you can get
gluten free pie crust mix. Bob's Red Mill makes a good one.

Here's my recipe for KY Derby Pie. It's easier to make that the
above recipe, less fuss, more yum.