My New Cuisinart
On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 08:29:39 -0600, Janet Wilder
> wrote:
> On 11/21/2011 10:35 PM, sf wrote:
> > On Mon, 21 Nov 2011 19:54:24 -0600, Janet Wilder
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> My new 7 cup Cuisinart came today. I haven't used it yet,, but it looks
> >> just awesome. It came with the plastic dough kneading blade, the regular
> >> metal blade, a slicing disc and a shredding disc. I got it at Kohl's
> >> online with discounts and free shipping for a lot less than I've seen it
> >> anywhere else.
> >>
> >> Can't wait to use it for some Thanksgiving cookery.
> >
> > I had to look it up (good price). Let us know how it works out for
> > you. Do you already have accessories?
> I had a 20% off coupon from Kohls and another coupon for free shipping.
> I don't know what other accessories I'd need.
I often wish I had some sort of funnel type thing for feeding in
flour, because I make all my doughs in the FP. So, I jerry-rig up my
metal canning funnel to do it. I never use the plastic blade, I use
the metal one for everything.
It's always handy to have a shredding disk. The shredder and two
sizes of slicing when I bought this Cuisinart. I slice occasionally,
but of the 3 - my shredding disk gets the workout.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.