OT Train wrecks (was OT - pending surgery)
On Wed, 23 Nov 2011 08:15:23 -0800 (PST), John Kuthe
> wrote:
>On Nov 23, 9:35*am, Nancy Young <email@replyto> wrote:
>> On 11/23/2011 9:10 AM, A Moose in Love wrote:
>> > a friend of our family was in a train wreck. *it took place on park
>> > street. *that's one reason for my e-mail addy: *parkStreetBooBoo...the
>> > other reason? *that info will be given out only when the time is ripe;
>> > it may never happen. *that incident ended pretty much on the railroad
>> > tracks. *to be continued...?
>> > I saw the wreck in the morning when my school bus drove over the
>> > tracks. *I didn't realize that it was her car until I was told about
>> > it when I got home. *She spent months in the hospital getting
>> > surgeries/corrective surgeries. *She lived into her 90's.
>> Yikes. *My motto, watch out for trains, you won't win that one.
>> The only train wreck story I know personally did not end well at
>> all, a guy at work lost his son and mother. *After that, hearing
>> Driving that train, high on cocaine had new meaning.
>> nancy
>My momma taught me a very important lesson. Never dance with a train!
Your posts are like a train wreck.