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ImStillMags ImStillMags is offline
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Default My New Cuisinart

On Nov 22, 7:44*pm, Janet Wilder > wrote:
> I just know that this machine and I will definitely find true love. I'm
> not really interested in using it for dough. I have a KA stand mixer
> with dough hook that has never been used. *I'm so old fashioned that I
> need to feel the dough with my hands or I just can't tell if it's
> kneaded properly. *I do have a pizza dough recipe for the FP that I
> haven't used in years because the one I have is just too small. *I might
> try it for that.

I use my KA for bread recipes and I use my Cuisinart for pizza dough.
Here's my recipe. It makes three 14 inch pizzas but you can scale it
down if you need less.